Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bloodsucking Fiends, by Christopher Moore

This isn't the first Christopher Moore book I've read, so I was prepared for some of the recurring characters, and I enjoyed the San Francisco setting, since I've recently traveled there.

He clearly studies the history of any topic he takes on, and then twists it to his own particular humorous bent. In this case, the topic is vampires, and love stories. There are plenty of twists and twisted humor in this book. And, perhaps it is hard to believe, but there are poignant moments in this book as well, such as the end of chapter 20.

There are also moments where you find yourself thinking: "He couldn't have made these characters up out of whole cloth, could he? He must have known some people like that, or worked at that job, or something."

One of the strengths of Moore's writing, especially well done in this book, is the depth of characterization. These characters are full of dimension, and idiosyncrasies of their own. And they behave in such a human, and humorous way, without even trying to be funny.

The book is published by Simon & Schuster, and they have a web site at, where you can get more information about this and other books.

I highly recommend this book, I laughed out loud several times, and it is a fast read.

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