Friday, August 15, 2008

Revolt in 2100 / Methuselah's Children / Robert Heinlein

I originally had read these two novels some years ago, perhaps as early as 1985. It has been long enough that I had forgotten the names, but not all of the plot details. Now that I've re-read them I know that they are certainly among the most enjoyable of the Heinlein future history stories, and they are also among the shorter, if an off-hand judgment serves as an indication.

This particular pair of books deals with the post-Prophet period, and the early interstellar space exploration period. As always with Heinlein, there are many sub-texts and these are instructive and interesting by themselves. There are also a few very memorable alien species and swashbuckling characters, such as the remarkable Lazarus Long.

I was at the airport on the way to Manila reading Revolt in 2100, and a fellow traveler said that she had read it, under protest, at the suggestion of her husband, and she had really liked it.

Combined paperback edition from Baen at 480 pages.

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