Monday, September 08, 2008

Can Iowa Catch A Break?

Here are some of the challenges that have faced our state in the past year:

1) a winter with near record high snowfalls, and
2) a flood that damaged hundreds of city blocks in Cedar Rapids, and
3) widespread flooding that damaged crops throughout the state
4) high oil prices that doubled and in some cases tripled fertilizer and other costs for farmers

So, guess what?

Tonight's low temperature is predicted to be nearly freezing.

This is at least four weeks early, and is likely to stunt crops that are already expected to be later than normal at reaching maturity.

Can we catch a break?

1 comment:

Kurt said...

We did catch a break. It only got down to 40 degrees. There was too much moisture in the air to allow the temperature to drop any further - the condensation was heavy in the morning.