Saturday, August 20, 2005

Running For Joy

We went on vacation on Tuesday, or as Christy put it, "We're finally going on vacation." We were out front loading the rental van when Christy finally couldn't take the excitement any more and started running up and down the sidewalk in her new tennis shoes.

We asked her what she was doing. She said "I'm running for joy." Priceless.

Vacation was one bit of excitement after the other. We went to the state fair on Tuesday, and experienced the usual heat and a bit of crowding. We parked at a nearby high school and rode the bus. Fred had a hard time understanding why he should give up his seat when others got on the bus. I tried to explain it at the time, and a bystander started arguing with me. I told her "Thanks for the support." She apologized briefly then shut up. At the end of the bus ride she apologized more.

The best part of the fair was the chocolate dipped frozen cheesecake on a stick. Oh my goodness that was yummy.

We went to a Big & Rich concert Tuesday night while the kids enjoyed watching TV and playing Runescape on the computer. That was a really good concert, and a beautiful night.

More about our adventures later as time permits.

Monday, August 15, 2005


The biggest thing that happened for us this month is registering the kids for school. As some of you know, my kids have been home schooled by my ex-wife for the past four years. It was originally my idea, so I have to share the blame for it not working out. We had our kids in a private school for eight years, starting with Fred in first grade. The school started going in a different direction with its instruction, and I was having difficulty coming up with tuition for four, so my then wife and I discussed it and started home schooling.

Unfortunately, while the idea can be great, especially if you're a certified teacher, or have a lot of education classes, and are suited to BE a teacher, not everyone is fit to be a teacher. As it turned out, my now ex-wife was not suited to be a teacher. She is not a self-sacrificing person, and over a period of time, the kids turned into little servants for Mom, instead of Mom's students.

My ex provides the kids with a list each day, of what they are to do. The first year of home schooling, these lists had school at the top, and things like "clean your room" at the bottom. By the second year, work for my ex's farm operation became part of the list. By the third year, the farm work was at the top of the list, and studying was something you did while you minded the shop. By the fourth year, you were lucky if there was any studying at all on the list for the day, and if it was on the list, there was so much to do ahead of it that you had no hope of getting there.

The worst part is that my ex put no priority on education. She would occasionally ask if you got some studying done, but never check. She was critical of public schools, private schools, internet learning, etc. Basically she doesn't trust authority OR respect it.

The good news is that, by pushing my ex all summer long, I've apparently pushed hard enough to get her to allow the kids to go to public school this year. Christy will be in 5th grade, Nicky in 6th grade, and Al will be in 9th grade.

We just spent the weekend buying new clothes and school supplies for the kids. Very expensive to buy a new set of clothes for everyone. But well worth it if they can be clean and comfortable in school, so they can learn.

Heather and I are nervous that my ex has something up her sleeve to sabotage the public school experience for the kids. But we have them for vacation this week, so we can prepare them for school without interference. Hopefully they will be well rested and ready to go when school starts next week.

I feel a real sense of accomplishment that we (Heather and I) were able to do something to improve our children's lives. Heather helped a lot. She truly earned the title of "Bonus Mom".

Friday, July 22, 2005

Into Every Life A Little Rain Must Fall

So, our air conditioner died Wednesday, and yes it IS the hottest time of the year. Luckily it was only the blower motor, quickly and inexpensively repaired (less than $200).

So, my darling true companion turned the air back on. Unfortunately she set the thermostat to 64 degrees. So, at 4 AM I'm shivering and trying to get MY share of the blanket back from her. Finally at 6:15 I give up and come down stairs.

The windows are fogged over. I have to open a door to see what the weather is outside. Because I can't SEE!

Cold is good.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another weekend comes to an end

I feel like my kids go to school at a really bad boarding school, and I only get to see them on the weekends. In reality my kids go back to their mom's house during the week.

This weekend we did a little gardening, took a long walk at the George Wyth state park (well really Alex and Nick skated, and Christy rode her bike), and went to the Cinco de Mayo festival in downtown Waterloo. Rikki and Amy and Robin and Tisen met us at the festival.

I really miss my kids when they are at the farm.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Live Well - Laugh Often - Love Much

Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting started, but welcome anyway!

I'm the very lucky partner of Heather, and we have a wonderful blended family of four children, one dog, and a slightly crowded house!