Monday, March 14, 2011

book review - Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang - Chelsea Handler

I think I've read all of Chelsea's books now, and I can honestly say that they are funny, diverting, and light reading. I'm sure not everyone will enjoy them, and particularly I would say you should avoid them if you dislike swearing, unsavory characters, and the like.

However, for anyone who has ever been embarassed by their relatives, or their car --- I think you'll enjoy them because you can relate. No foible is too small to be the butt of a joke.

The book was just right for a three hour plane ride, and it really made the flight zip by. I appreciate a good diverting book when I have to fold my long frame into a economy class seat.

In case you don't know who Chelsea Handler is, try tuning in to the E! network late at night to catch her talk show. The book is published by Hachette Book Group, although I can't imagine you'll have any trouble finding it. It is not great literature, although it is worth reading.

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