Monday, June 28, 2010

book review - 7 things he'll never tell you

7 things he'll never tell you

{but you need to know}

by Dr. Kevin Leman

Here's another book by an author I've never read before. It's a "relationship" book published by Tyndale House Publishers, and it is a Christian oriented book, by which I mean that it quotes the occasional Bible verse, and has an essentially fundamentalist view of relationships. However, I think that the author does a good job of talking about marital relationships without depending too much on authority (meaning Bible verses) or too much on logic (since the only logic in human relationships is not the usual kind).

I picked it up at the airport when I was looking for something to divert myself for the flight from Dallas to Tucson. I read most of it on the flight. It's really pretty well written, and makes simple points. It's actually written for a woman to read, but I found it accessible without being offensive - no male bashing to speak of, at least none that wasn't good humored.

I finished it up over supper, and found myself thinking of concrete ways I could apply the message in my own life. To me, that's a good sign that the book is easy to read and easy to apply in one's life.

The author is a trained psychologist, radio and television personality, humorist, and speaker. I had never heard of him, but perhaps I don't listen to the right stations. But, the insight and advice given rings true. From my perspective, the advice seems like things that would be helpful in my own life.

I'd recommend the book, and found it enjoyable to read, even humorous from time to time. It took me about three hours to get through it. I'm sure I'll read it again in a year or two.

I can't say that much for most "relationship" books. Most of them I have a hard time getting through in the first place, much less reading them again.

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