Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dan Brown - Angels and Demons

Here's a quick book review of the book I just finished.

"Angels & Demons" is the first adventure of Robert Langdon, who is familiar to most readers and movie goers as the hero of "The Da Vinci Code".

I thought this was a quick read, and very accessible, even though it was over 700 pages.

The plot got a little muddy at the end, with, I thought, more twists than necessary. It almost seemed like a science fiction story to me, except that the author made a couple of classic mistakes when including the science.

One classic mistake you often see a mainstream writer make when they attempt to include science in a story is to bend the science to fit the plot, instead of the other way around. In this case, the design of the "containment vessel" was needlessly complex, in a way that no practical scientist would have done. However, it was needed for the plot, so that is how it was written.

There were a couple of neat themes that Mr. Brown included, such as a sideline discussion of why there is a conflict between faith and reason. The plot gives us several answers.

He also had the odd way of including some ideas in a prominent way, that didn't seem to advance the story at all. The high speed airplane was one such idea. I don't see how it advanced the story at all.

I think this was a good book but not a great one.

The paper back is published by Pocket Books.

1 comment:

TLBoehm said...

Thank you for this concise review. My teen son enjoyed Angels and Demons but finds God's Demon and the Peretti series "meatier" for the same reasons you listed. Peace.
TL Boehm http://www.eloquentbooks.com/BethanysCrossing.html