Saturday, August 20, 2005

Running For Joy

We went on vacation on Tuesday, or as Christy put it, "We're finally going on vacation." We were out front loading the rental van when Christy finally couldn't take the excitement any more and started running up and down the sidewalk in her new tennis shoes.

We asked her what she was doing. She said "I'm running for joy." Priceless.

Vacation was one bit of excitement after the other. We went to the state fair on Tuesday, and experienced the usual heat and a bit of crowding. We parked at a nearby high school and rode the bus. Fred had a hard time understanding why he should give up his seat when others got on the bus. I tried to explain it at the time, and a bystander started arguing with me. I told her "Thanks for the support." She apologized briefly then shut up. At the end of the bus ride she apologized more.

The best part of the fair was the chocolate dipped frozen cheesecake on a stick. Oh my goodness that was yummy.

We went to a Big & Rich concert Tuesday night while the kids enjoyed watching TV and playing Runescape on the computer. That was a really good concert, and a beautiful night.

More about our adventures later as time permits.

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