Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

At first the average guy might think this is a "woman's" book, and be unlikely to seriously consider reading it.

Or, if you are skittish of such topics as meditation, divorce, depression, gurus, and so forth, it might scare you off.

But I think it would be a mistake to let any of those things keep you from reading this book. I myself put it off for a while, but once I had read just three chapters, I knew I would finish this book gladly.

For one thing, the author is truly going through an adventure, spending four months each in Italy, India, and Bali. For another, the author is simply a likeable person, and you can derive vicarious enjoyment from her experiences. Further, there is enough good solid heft to this story to satisfy the most demanding mind. In essence, this story is as deep as you care to take it.

Along the way, you learn many interesting details about life in each of these countries, and Elizabeth makes a fun person to serve as the point of view for experiencing these places.

The book has 108 chapters for an interesting reason, and you'll find that out when you read it. I found much to relate to in the book, including her experience with divorce and her joy in travel. My reading of the book was interrupted for a couple of weeks with our floods in eastern Iowa, but I found it easy to get back into and enjoy again.

Perhaps this is a book that only needs to be read once, if you read it carefully, but it was fun enough to enjoy reading again - perhaps on one of our own trips.

My final comment is that this book answers the question of how you can have everything but still be unhappy.

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