Chelsea Handler has now written three books, and I've read and reviewed two of them. This one is her first, and it tells the story of how she came to grow up a little. In the process, she makes many (very funny) mistakes, and paints a picture of many (very memorable) characters.
I would say this is definitely an airplane book - you know, something to read to keep you preoccupied and not thinking about the thin air just outside the plane window. It could be a good beach book, too. I'm sure somewhere in there she reminds you to wear your sunscreen, probably by telling you a hilarious story about sun poisoning.
I could see clearly that there was a journey that Chelsea's character was taking through life - through the course of the book. It echoed so many "novels" I've read.
I also liked the love/hate relationship she seemed to be describing with one of her gay male friends. The experiences seemed like they were so close to true (even though they were clearly meant to be caricatures of the real thing) that they rang true.
I also could relate to Chelsea's experiences with her family members. I could relate to them, because even though your family members have known you for decades, they still act in ways that indicate they don't really understand you. I'm sure that's true for everyone.