My daughter's teacher mentioned that they had read this book in class. I mentioned that I had never read it. She was incredulous. All I can say is that we read other books in our high school.
So, she lent me a copy and I read it. It's a good book. I understand it is the only book Harper Lee ever wrote. It is worth reading. It is a good story about growing up, and delves into themes of racism and the different kinds of people who surround you. I can see how some would possibly call this their favorite book, or a "classic". I don't think it's good enough to buy a copy for myself, but I think it should be on your "to read" list, and perhaps on your "must read" list.
The copyright date is 1960, but it seems like it is set in an earlier time, since it mentions one of the men getting a WPA job, which would put it in the 1930's. It doesn't seem dated, even now.
The copy I read was published by Warner Books, and runs 281 pages. I'm glad my daughter's teacher recommended it.