Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Review - Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen

Here is a book review about "Water for Elephants" written by Sara Gruen.

Heather, my wife, posted that this book had the best ending ever. I can imagine reasons why she would particularly like this ending, but I don't want to spoil the story.

This book had just about everything I like, such as circuses, interesting historical detail, complex well developed characters, trains, a love story, and even languages.

I can see why they made it into a movie - the plot itself is gripping and compelling. Once I started it, I was quickly hooked - whether I wanted to or not.

The characters were often flawed, which made for more realism in the story. I really liked the authentic historical detail. There was enough detail to add interest to the story, but not so much as to distract from any of the stories.

There was also a good deal of jargon or slang that went with the circus. The story introduces these terms as our hero learns them. This particular story had more than one hero, but was told by the main "hero".

I was surprised by the ending, and I was also surprised by how much the author could fill out a character (such as Rosemary) with so few lines of description.

I would say this book is well worth reading, and not just while traveling or on vacation. I would suggest not starting it unless you have a few hours available to you over the next few days. It really will pull you in.

The book is published by Algonquin books of Chapel Hill, a division of Workman Publishing and runs 331 pages. The edition I had also included an Author's Note, an interview of the author, and book club questions.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Restaurant Review --- Django - Des Moines, Iowa

Again I am breaking new ground with a Restaurant Review. We enjoyed this place in Des Moines over the weekend. The atmosphere is reasonably good, with lots of wood, dim lighting, and a comfortable temperature. It was a bit loud when we were there, but it was a Saturday night at 8 PM, after all.

This restaurant allows you to bring your own wine, so we brought a St. Croix and another bottle that I forget, although it was a decent wine as well. We had the cheese course, and really enjoyed the strong Gouda, cut into french fry shaped morsels, a Burgogne cheese that was to die for, and another which I unfortunately forget.

In particular, the Burgogne cheese, on a bit of crusty french bread, followed by a sip of the St. Croix was an unbelievable experience. The cheese was great, and the wine brought out even more flavor.

I had the seared scallops, which were awesome - large, plump, juicy, warm through and through, with a great sauce and bed of butternut squash. This was an unusual selection but I could not resist trying a creative squash entree.

Cost was about $80 for two, and we strongly recommend this restaurant.

book review - Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang - Chelsea Handler

I think I've read all of Chelsea's books now, and I can honestly say that they are funny, diverting, and light reading. I'm sure not everyone will enjoy them, and particularly I would say you should avoid them if you dislike swearing, unsavory characters, and the like.

However, for anyone who has ever been embarassed by their relatives, or their car --- I think you'll enjoy them because you can relate. No foible is too small to be the butt of a joke.

The book was just right for a three hour plane ride, and it really made the flight zip by. I appreciate a good diverting book when I have to fold my long frame into a economy class seat.

In case you don't know who Chelsea Handler is, try tuning in to the E! network late at night to catch her talk show. The book is published by Hachette Book Group, although I can't imagine you'll have any trouble finding it. It is not great literature, although it is worth reading.

Book Review - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot

This is a work of non-fiction. It is almost a documentary or perhaps a history book. It might also be called a biography but it is not entirely about one person, or about that person's entire life. It is more about the impact of Henrietta Lacks on her family, and on the world.

Although I am trained in the sciences and enjoy studying science, much of the science in this book was new to me. This is not to say that the book is a science book - the science, although integral to the story, is not difficult, is not the focus, and is not presented for pedagogical purposes.

This book is also partly a history or exploration (through one person) of medical ethics, and related law. With all of this introduction you might think that this book is bound to be crashingly boring, but it is a page turner. I didn't want to put it down, because it was so intriguing and informative. It was sometimes sad, but always relevant and compelling. Even as a side note, the glimpses it gave into the author's process were also interesting and worthwhile.

I highly recommend this book for any reader, but particularly for those who have at least an idle interest in science, or history, or the nature of humanity.

The book is published by Crown Publishing / Random House, and is 366 pages long. It took me more than a few hours to get through, although it was probably less than six hours. It was worth every minute.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Book Review - Aimee Bender - The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake

This is another book that Heather suggested I read. I don't think she liked it, but she wanted me to give me her take on the book.

I think the book is a metaphor about a lot of different things. For example, throughout his life, the central character's father never went into hospitals. Now, there are a lot of people who don't like hospitals, but that wasn't the reason he didn't go into hospitals. It was because he was afraid of who he might become if he went in there. He didn't think it would be bad, and had some reason to think it might be good, but he was afraid of it, and literally didn't want to go there.

When I first began to read the book, it took a few chapters to really get into it, but once I did, I found I was reminded of "To Kill a Mockingbird" because the story was told from the point of view of a young girl, and perhaps because of the somewhat conversational, somewhat narrative way she speaks. She also seems to always be looking for hidden meanings, and makes a lot of observations.

For example, Rose (the young girl narrator) gives detailed descriptions of everything, even down to individual folding chairs. The most telling is the description of her mother, but I'll leave that for you to read the book. The descriptions are piled upon each other, layer by layer. You hear how her mother would describe Rose's father --- a plain gray boulder. You hear about his handwriting, the columns of figures in a journal, the occupation. All of this leads to a rich understanding of her father.

There are lots of insights into how this family interacts, and these insights allow you to look at how your own family works. There are subtle lessons here, about teenage crushes, about hidden talents, about the ability of people to deny the truth that stares them in the face every day, and others too numerous to mention.

Earlier today, I was thinking about what I would write in this review, and what most sticks with me about this book is how Rose analyzes everything. The central metaphor of the book for me is how Rose analyzes the taste of everything - such as the Lemon Cake in the title.

In the book, Rose analyzes deeper and deeper, until finally she understands even her father's behavior. I can relate to that since I analyze everything all the time. Sometimes I wish I could turn it off, but it seems like I just analyze all the time without even consciously doing it.

For Rose, she was analyzing in order to adapt to her particular ability. Perhaps that is what I need to do - to turn my ability to analyze on itself, to realize and cope with the consequences of "an over-analyzed life".

Hopefully I'll be as successful as Rose.

The book is published by Doubleday / Random House. I would recommend that you read it.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan - Book Review

This book represents the beginning of another group of books in the world created for "Percy Jackson - the Lightning Thief", and I expect Percy Jackson will show up eventually. For now, only a portion of the supporting characters from "The Lightning Thief" figure in the story line of "The Lost Hero". This group is called "The Heroes of Olympus".

I have read all of the Percy Jackson group, and "The Red Pyramid", which is the first of another group, called "The Kane Chronicles". It took a couple of chapters to get into the first Percy Jackson book, but from there, I was hooked. I read the first five in my spare time on a three week trip. I tried to pace myself, and I was really busy --- but I couldn't stop. They were just that good.

I am not often prone to comparing one book or one author to another, because I don't think it tells you much - you have to know both authors, or know the one well enough to get something out of the comparison. Two people never have the same experience, so the comparison often becomes pointless. I have seen several references to "Percy Jackson" as the "next Harry Potter". Perhaps that is a useful comparison to many readers. My experience is that the Harry Potter books seem "made up" to me, while these Percy Jackson books seem to build on existing mythology in a clever way. Either way, I suppose, they are both just made up stories, but somehow I find the fact that the Greek gods exist in other poetic works somehow makes the books seem more real.

Please don't misunderstand me - I like the Harry Potter books well enough to re-read them, which is rare for me. I am a person who strongly feels the press of time and age, which limits the number of books I will ever be able to read. As a result, I consider carefully before reading a book again.

In the case of the Percy Jackson books, they seemed to be more enjoyable to me. They seemed to have a faster pace, or perhaps they were just more diverting. I recommend them strongly - and they are suitable for a good reader 10 and above, but yet still satisfying to me as an adult of 47.

The Lost Hero is 557 pages, and perhaps five hours to read. It's a book good enough to keep, and to read again. It's fun on several levels. Well recommended.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

My Horizontal Life - Chelsea Handler - Book Review

I don't think anyone will say that this is a significant book, like "WAR AND PEACE" or "The Grapes of Wrath", but it's not badly written, and it's based on the true events in the author's life.

Chelsea Handler has now written three books, and I've read and reviewed two of them. This one is her first, and it tells the story of how she came to grow up a little. In the process, she makes many (very funny) mistakes, and paints a picture of many (very memorable) characters.

I would say this is definitely an airplane book - you know, something to read to keep you preoccupied and not thinking about the thin air just outside the plane window. It could be a good beach book, too. I'm sure somewhere in there she reminds you to wear your sunscreen, probably by telling you a hilarious story about sun poisoning.

I could see clearly that there was a journey that Chelsea's character was taking through life - through the course of the book. It echoed so many "novels" I've read.

I also liked the love/hate relationship she seemed to be describing with one of her gay male friends. The experiences seemed like they were so close to true (even though they were clearly meant to be caricatures of the real thing) that they rang true.

I also could relate to Chelsea's experiences with her family members. I could relate to them, because even though your family members have known you for decades, they still act in ways that indicate they don't really understand you. I'm sure that's true for everyone.

I wouldn't put this book on your bucket list, unless you work for Chelsea, but it's fun. It is published by Bloomsbury. I don't doubt you can find it at www.chelsea-handler.com.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Book Review - The School of Essential Ingredients - Erica Bauermeister

This is the first book I've read by Erica Bauermeister. Heather suggested it to me. (Heather is my wife, for those of you new to my blog.)

I REALLY enjoyed this book. It has a lot of cooking in it, as you might expect from the title. But, it has a lot of good stories about the individuals who attend the cooking school mentioned in the title. Some are sad, even tragic, most are uplifting in a way you didn't expect.

The chef who runs the school has an interesting life, and there is an element of mystery about her. The book is very engaging, and it is easy to read several chapters without noticing the time or anything else around you.

The story is told from multiple points of view - the students from the class each have their own story. The author weaves the stories together as the students attend class each week. I think only one of the stories has a flash back, but that one is not too hard to keep straight.

The book is strongly recommended.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Liquid Poetry - Wine Review - Monte Alegre

Well, this is a first for me. A wine review. I must say though that when you run across something good enough, it just makes you want to say something to someone.

I was first introduced to the marvelous wine called port, in that dreadful but somehow irresistible cheese spread our grandparents all seemed to keep a tub of in their refrigerators. I remember looking at it and passing it by, since it seemed (like many things in my grandmother's refrigerator) to have somehow spoiled and not been noticed.

But eventually I tried it and was hooked, on the cheese spread that is, still not ever having tried the wine itself.

Trying the wine itself would have to wait several years for my good friend Anita, who suggested it for dessert at one of our get togethers. I liked it - how it was sweet, yet complex, and full of rich but distinct flavors.

Well, recently, we were in Carbondale Illinois, of all places, visiting a friend and trying out one of the wineries. The tasting was wonderful, with the owner giving us many samples, along with bits of the right accompaniment for that particular wine - a bit of apple with one, a bit of chocolate with the port. So, I highly recommend Monte Alegre winery, and good port wine. In this case, the port wine is called "Liquid Poetry", which is so appropriate.

I recommend you try port for dessert, or with dessert. Alternate sips of the port with bits of the dessert. It is for sipping, not drinking. I hope you enjoy it.